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The causes and troubleshooting of Sewer Backups

The causes and troubleshooting of Sewer Backups

Having to deal with a sewer backup is one of the most annoying plumbing issues that any homeowner has to deal with. It is no secret that they are the grossest and messiest things that can take place in a home if you have ever dealt with them.

Due to the fact that sewage backups are a common problem in many of our homes and that they cannot be ignored, you need to learn how to prevent sewage backups within your house and how to avoid a messy situation.

Should you not have handled a backup of sewers and drains before, how would you handle it if you have not dealt with one before? If you have a sewer backup, don't worry; you don't need to have any experience handling such a situation. You will learn how to do the following in this article, step-by-step;

Sewage Backup

Flooding at home is caused by a sewer backup. The problem is caused by overflowing sewage systems in municipalities and cities. As a result of wastewater flowing into the sewer system in the wrong direction, it causes this problem.

You mostly get dirty water from sinks, toilets, and drains rather than from the outside.

What are the causes for Sewage Backups?

Roots of Plants

Roots from plants are another common cause of sewer backups. The roots of some plants can find their way into your pipes or even wrap around them. If the lines were in poor condition, this would result in their crushing. Root invasion is the process of invading roots.

Pipes transporting water commonly have cracks or holes that allow roots to invade. In search of moisture, the roots of plants enter the lines through small cracks or holes.

Planting trees in your home should take into account the trees' root growth to avoid this

Sewer Main Blockages

Sewer backups are also frequently caused by clogged main sewer lines. The blockage in the main sewer line is caused by clogs that develop over time. Your home may experience clogs like any other.

The major cause of these problems is a lack of proper system capacity, especially in areas where there has been heavy growth in recent years. Instead of just affecting one drain, a blockage may affect all your plumbing throughout the entire house at the same time instead of only affecting one.

As a precautionary measure, you should turn off the water supply to your house and cover the drain opening with a heavy cloth material that can soak up all the water that is leaching out.

Clogs in toilet

It is inevitable that particulates will develop in drain pipes over time, preventing liquid from freely flowing out, affecting toilets, sinks, showers, dishwashers, washing machines, and sprinkler systems.

It is possible for raw sewage to back up into your drain and then enter your plumbing pipes if there is a severe clog in the main sewer line or septic tank. Several factors contribute to draining clogs, including;

  • Hair
  • Grease
  • Swabs, Q-tips
  • Baby wipes, Napkins etc

Water in the Basement of your house

Sanitary sewer systems are responsible for basement flooding. It is common for rainwater to flow towards your home when the soil settling adjacent to yours is not corrected.

The water will enter your home if there are cracks in the floor slab or foundation of your house, causing a flood in the home. You should ensure that water drains away and seal your basement to curb

Water should drain away from your basement and your basement should be sealed to the curb

What are the ways you can troubleshoot Sewer Backups?

Make use of a good drain cleaner

Liquid drain cleaners are useful for unclogging bathtubs and sinks. The wax seal on the toilet bottom will be eaten away by them, causing leaks, so do not use them to unclog toilets.

The pressure has to be released

Take out the cap on the cleanout line, which is a short white pipe measuring 3-4 inches round that is sealed with a screw-on cap. You will be able to drain any backed-up water in your home once the sewer line pressure has been released after removing the cup.

Use a water jet to clean the Drain

In addition to clearing moderately clogged drains, this method also works well on severely clogged drains. Water jets at high pressure are used to blow the roots of the plants down sewer lines as fast as they can.

Use a good Chemical Sewage Cleaner

Using chemical drain cleaners can be a very effective way of removing clogs that are caused by tree roots. There is a strong recommendation for removing clogged toilets by using a tree-killing foam that contains the herbicide to unclog toilets that are clogged. Within a few hours of sticking it on a tree root, it will kill the roots within a few hours.

Final Thoughts

Sewer backups are not something that should be taken lightly, since it can cause irreparable damages to your valuables, electrical problems, and diseases that can cause you to become ill. In the event that a sewer backup issue arises, it is always advisable to act immediately to avoid all these problems from occurring in the future.