A Brief Introduction to Reinforced Concrete Frames

In reinforced concrete framing, horizontal and vertical components such as columns and beams work together to construct the superstructure. It is a monolithic construction, meaning it is cast in one operation, all of the beams and columns.
As it is a reinforced construction, the whole structure is combined with steel reinforcement since steel cannot withstand the full tensile load whereas concrete and reinforcement handle both compression loads.
Types of Frame
Timber Frame
As well as being fast, timber frame construction reduces construction time by 30% more than masonry construction. A superlight timber is more insulating than a heavy one.
Concrete Frame
Most constructions are made up of reinforced concrete frames. Formwork is done first in this type.
Braced Frame System
The beams & columns of the braced frame are braced with bracings that support lateral loads. Horizontal and vertical bracing support the lateral forces. A braced frame can withstand earthquakes and high winds.
Portal Frame
Commercial and industrial buildings mainly rely on portal frame construction. It appears to be a door.
Gabled Frame
A peak marks the top of the gabled frame structure. Frames like these are ideal for areas with heavy rainfall and snowfall.
Steel Frame
All the components of steel frame construction are designed outside the building, and they only need to be fitted together. The advantages of steel over concrete are that it is lighter and can also be used for domestic purposes. Steels are also used in columns and beams in the skeleton.
Fixed Ended Rigid Frame
Two rigidly fixed ends make up the end-fix rigid frame.
Pin Ended Rigid Frame
Pin-ended rigid structures have two ends with pins that facilitate rigidity, but when the end condition is removed, the entire structure is no longer rigid.
Construction of Frame
A structure forms by joining the different materials together. Material choices for frame construction include wood, steel, etc. Mass wall construction is another name for it.
The frame structure is constructed using different layers, including masonry, rammed earth, and logs.
Benefits of Construction Frame
- The cost is low.
- You can use it in many ways.
- You can erect it easily.
Drawbacks of Construction Frame
- The fire makes it unstable.
- It is highly likely that damage will occur.
- It is easy for fire to spread.
Concrete Building Construction
A concrete structure is a composite structure that is made of strengthened concrete. RCC can either be precast or cast in situ.
The main advantage of the RCC frame structure is the ability to modify the structure of the building easily. Beams are among the most essential structural elements when it comes to building with reinforced concrete. In addition to resisting bending moments of the slab, the beam resists compressive loads.
Types of Reinforced Beam
Over Reinforced Beam
The tensioned steel in this type of beam is capable of more tension than the combined tensile strength of concrete and steel. A reinforced beam can break without warning due to over-reinforcement.
Under Reinforced Beam
It uses in beams where the tensile reinforcement strength is lower than the combined strength of concrete and compression steel. Unreinforced beams produce a large deformation before failure and cause a warning.
Balanced Reinforced Beam
When the strain and compression zones of a beam yield simultaneously, it is called a tensile beam. Having the failure suddenly happen makes this design risky.
Single Reinforced Beam
The tensioned steel is used for reinforcing only the tensile portions of the beam in this type of beam. The beam only uses it for resistance to bending.
Multi Reinforced Beam
A multi-reinforced beam is stronger than a single reinforced beam. It helps the beam to resist both tensile and compressive moments when reinforced in the tensile and compression zones.
Video Source: CivilGuidelines
Final Thoughts
Concrete frames are sometimes referred to as the skeleton of a structure. These types of structures are built with vertical members, such as columns, that support the entire weight of the building.
It is possible to damage one floor of this structure by damaging a beam or slab, but to damage, a column will damage the entire building.
To get more details, watch the following video tutorial.
Video Source: Borja Varona