Choose an appropriate Soil Improvement Method on Soil types

You can use soil improvement procedures for newly reclaimed soil as well as existing loose soils. Compaction methods exist for stabilizing soils in seismically vulnerable areas as well as for accelerated consolidation of soils and dredged sediment for reclaiming newly reclaimed land. According to time, cost, and performance, each technique has its advantages and disadvantages.
Why one should consider Soil Improvement
In case of loading structures like buildings, roads, and other foundations on the reclamation area, prevent excessive settlements of the surface.
Enhance the shear strength of the fill and subsoil so that the foundations can bear load & the slopes are stable. To prevent liquefaction, increase the density of the fill mass and subsoil. Increase the permeability of the soil to improve drainage.
Methods of Soil Improvement
There are many techniques for improving the soil, each with benefits and disadvantages. The choice of the appropriate technique depends on the specifics of the project and the site conditions.
Grouting & Injection
A cement grout mixture is injected through a small-diameter casing at a predetermined depth to improve the strength and stiffness of the soil. Dam, lock structures, and tunnels are constructed using this type of soil improvement method.
Pre-loading involves installing and removing earth, water, or another dead weight equivalent to the final load before construction to achieve ground pre-compression. Pre-compression involves applying pressure to the ground before applying structural loads. In-surge occurs when pre-loading intensity exceeds final loading intensity.
Thermal Soil Improvement
Turning the pore water in soil into ice by removing heat is a powerful technique for rendering the soil impermeable and making it more robust for unconsolidated materials.
When clays are heated to drive out free pore water, the water adsorbs on particle surfaces, creating a tough, durable material, like bricks or mud blocks.
Soil Reinforcement
Reinforcing the soil involves methods such as reinforced soil, soil nailing, root piles, slope dowels, and embankment piles. Adding admixtures such as lime, cement, and cohesive-non-swelling layer to soil improves soil strength and reduces shrinkage and swelling.
Filtration and drainage are two of the many applications of geo-textiles. There are various types of geo-textiles that can stabilize embankments and improve the bearing capacity of soft soil foundations. Geo-textiles are useful for increasing stability against underground failures and reducing foundation settlement. Investing in a well-managed soil improvement system is a key to completing the project on time and safely.
Advantages of Soil Improvement
The lack of good-quality fill within a reasonable driving distance of a reclamation site often hampers projects. If such fill cannot access, the existing ground can improve in a cost-effective way to rectify non-compliant materials.
It is common for reclamation areas to be inadequate after construction completes. If this is the case, it is cheaper to repair the poor-quality soil than to remove it and replace it with better-quality soil.
The general rule is that ground improvement can happen at any time and any location after construction has been completed, making it very flexible and feasible. Consequently, we can only improve where we need to. That enables them to use it whenever and wherever they need it.
It is necessary to build the foundation on dense, shear-strengthened soil in order to prevent liquefaction. There are several factors that determine the most effective soil improvement method, including the depth of the treatment, the number of materials available, and the price.