Engineering Construction Cost Estimate Sheets

Engineering construction cost estimates are developed to achieve accurate cost assessments for total project also as construction costs. Construction cost estimates ensure project costs are within the authorized dollar amount. It also presents a comparison of costs on previously constructed facilities.
This document supplements the Architect-Engineer conditions by analyzing the things , Units, Unit Price, Quantity Divisions, Cost Divisions, Total Quantity and Total Cost that contribute within the generating project budgets and construction cost estimates. Items included within the sheet are 30" Pipe, 30" DI Pipe, Large diameter Manhole, WT F&C, Standard F&C, 42" Steel Casing, 4" Lateral, 6" Cleanout, Pavement Replacement and various others.
The creation of such cost estimate sheets helps in compiling a record of historical costs and establishes the "design to cost" limits for the Architect/Engineer (A/E). Besides it provides a way of cost control during design.