What is Civil Engineering ?
Types of Civil Engineering
Becoming Good Civil Engineer
Engineering Drawings and Design
Civil Engineering Payscale
Pay Scale of a Civil Engineer
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Uses of Self-Compacting Concrete
An exclusive e-book for civil engineering students
Benefits of Hydro Excavation Equipment
Reinforcements Detailing in Slabs and Beams
Brief Note on Structure Relocation
Boosting Tips of Effective Warehouse Management
Field Tests for Quality of Steel
Detailed Design of Industrial Roof Trusses
How to Study Civil Engineering Drawings
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Plumbing for Drainage Systems
Cutting length for column circular stirrups
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An exclusive e-book for civil engineering students

Civil Engineering: Conventional and Objective Type (2018-19 Session) is an exclusive e-book written by R.S.Khurmi and J.K. Gupta. The book is available in paperback format.
The book comprises of 724 pages as well as near about 4800 topic-wise solved and unsolved questions.
The book is considered as a very good resource for undergraduate students of Civil Engineering as they can use the book as reference guide for preparing them for different types of competitive examinations like GATE, UPSC, IAS and IES as well as university examinations.
The book covers the following topics
- Oscillations and Waves
- Electrostatics
- Magnetostatics and Electrodynamics
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Light
- Interference
- Diffraction
- Polarization
- Optical activity
- Optical fibres
- Architectural Acoustics
- Ultrasonics
- Electron Emission
- Electron Ballistics
- Electron Optics
- Elements of Thermodynamics
- Thermoelectricity
- Special Theory of Relativity
- Atomic Physics
- Quantum Mechanics
- Atomic Nucleus and Nuclear Energy
- Cosmic Rays and Elementary Particles
- Nuclear Instruments
- Lasers
- Holography
- Crystal Structures
- Crystal Defects
- Conductors
- Band Theory of Solids
- Semiconductors
- Semiconductor Diodes
- Bipolar Junction Transistor
- Dielectrics
- Magnetic Materials
- Superconductivity
- Modern Engineering Materials
- Non Destructive Testing
- Vacuum Technology
- Nanotechnology
- Geometrical Optics
One can purchase the book online from amazon by clicking on the following link www.amazon.in