Drawbacks of Total Station and benefits

Nowadays "Total Station" is the most popular software for surveyors to use on the job site. A total station is created by combining an electronic theodolite, an electronic distance measuring device (EDM), and a microprocessor containing a memory unit with the purpose of finding out the coordinates concerning a reflector that arranges the instruments crosshairs on the reflector and at the same time work out the vertical and horizontal angles and slope distances. The recording, readings, and the necessary calculation are performed through a microprocessor situated in the instrument.
In field Survey, grounded instruments is now so wide that it would be delicate to imagine any contemporary point surveying without it.
The recent operations of electronics in the surveying instruments has enabled the surveyors to collect and reuse the field data much more fluently and to a advanced perfection than is possible using routine instruments.
Electronic theodolite is combined and connived with EDMs and electronic data collectors, they come total stations or electronic tacheometers ET.
These total stations can read and record vertical and perpendicular angles, together with pitch distances.
These are operated using a mulfi- function keyboard which is connected to a microprocessor erected into the instrument.
The microprocessor in the aggregate station can not only perform a variety of fine operations, but in some cases can also store compliances directly using an internal memory.
Benefits of Total Station
- With the operation of ray plummets, the setting of the instrument on the tripod can be done snappily.
- On- board area calculation allows the druggies to work out the area of the field.
- Well suited with original language.
- Robotization of old charts.
- Computation for area can be performed more precisely.
- Graphical view of plots and land for quick.
- Objectification of data base.
- Complete Civilians conformation (with chart word software).
- The computation can be made as per the conditions of the druggies.
- Once the field jobs are completed, the chart of the area with confines is prepared after transmission of data.
- It saves huge time. It can calculate up to 3 to 5 Km distance.
Drawbacks of Total Station
- At the time of surveying, it becomes complicated for the surveyor to monitor and examine the work.
- To evaluate the survey completely, it is essential to get back to the office and produce the drawings with proper software.
- The instrument is expensive. The competent persons are needed to operate the surveys with total station.
When the total station is used, the following safety measures should be undertaken
- In order to grasp the aggregate station handle, both hands should be used.
- Save the battery pack with the battery discharged.
- Any of the clamp screws shouldn't over strain.
- Maintain sufficient thickness to install the tripod.
- It's recommended not to carry a tripod with the aggregate station fixed on it, rather than centering.
- Take proper palladium at the time of rooting the tribrach from the aggregate station.
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