How to Measure with Steel Tapes ?
A steel tape measuring set includes the following name given below:
- A 100 feet steel tape, with but a few marks on it.
- Two handles for the one hundred feet steel tape, - split sticks, long, will do.
- A 50 feet steel tape, divided to hundredths of a foot, in its case.
- Two brass 1 lb. plumb bobs, with strings.
- Eleven 6" wire spikes.
- An axe.
Line staves may be needed for ranging lines.

The edge symbol for distance are on both tapes. This must be done before accurate calculation can be made. The ends of the 100 ft. tape often do not indicate its length, there being an extra 1.'25 to 1'50 steel ribbon at each end. The 0 of the 50 ft. tape may be set up by turning off the edge of the tape back; matching the 1 ft. symbol to some other foot symbol on the tape ; smoothing out the loose edge beside the tape; and noticing on it, exactly where the next foot symbol fits, at, or near, the free edge. Keep the steel tapes wound up, - as much of the time as possible, and get the work done.
The 0 edge of a tape goes forward, when calculating. The handle at the front, or 0 edge, should not fall off from the tape of itself. The handle at the infrequent, or 100 ft., edge, should fall off very easily, because it should be taken off when the tape is drawn forward.
Measuring set.
- One hundred feet steel tape and reel.
- Handles for same.
- Fifty feet steel tape in its case.
- Plumb bobs, with lines, - two.
- Six-inch wire spikes, - eleven.
- Axe. Stakes, - four.
Line staves may be needed for ranging lines.
Inspect the articles as executed , or be responsible for defects found upon their return.
Inspection of Plumb Bobs.
Search for the string, the point, the cap, dents, and proof of abuse.
Inspection of Steel Tapes, - 50 ft., or short tapes.
- Unwind the tape.
- Watch out if the tape is tear wrong side in.
- Watch out if the reel works correctly.
- Search for the box tape loose from reel, breaks, splits, cracks, or kinks, in tape, dirt, moisture, knob on reel handle, dents, or bends, in box, and proof of abuse.
Inspection of Steel Tapes, -100 ft., or long tapes.
- Unwind the tape.
- Watch out if the tape is tear wrong side in.
- Watch out if the reel works correctly.
- Search for the reel, breaks, splits, cracks, or kinks, in tape dirt, moisture, rust, numbers on tape, tape handles, reel handle parts of reel, dents, or bends, in reel, and of abuse.
Inspection of Line Staves
- Search for bends, scratches, damaged points, and evidences of abuse.
- If the 100 ft. tape has been mended, test tile spaces marked on it.
- Keep the tapes wound up,- figures inside.
- The zero end of a tape goes ahead.
- Count the spikes as directed.
- Confirm the count between the fifth and sixth spikes.
- Confirm the count at the last spike set.
- Forbid pulling up the last spike till the record is saved.
- Record the number of even hundreds of feet.
- Take down the distance measured with the 50 feet tape.