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How beam and lintel differs as per structural behavior & load carrying system

This construction video tutorial briefly explains the variations among beam and lintel.
Both the beam and lintel are flexural as well as horizontal members and considered as the vital parts of structural system. But these differ according to their structural behavior and load carrying system.
Given below the points of differentiation :-
Beam | Lintel |
It usually transmit load from slab to columns/walls. | It provides support to the wall over the openings/door/window. |
It's end point is rested on columns | It's end point is rested on walls |
It does not contain door and windows under it | It contains door and windows under it |
It belongs to a framing member as well as part of Structural Frame. | It usually does not belong to a framing member and not a part of Structural Frame. |
It delivers load from slab/floor/roof. | It delivers load of wall over the openings/door/window. |
It may function as a fixed beam or simply supported beam. | It usually performs as a simply supported beam. |
It is a horizontal member that is arranged parallel to slab. | It is a horizontal member that is arranged across opening. |
Its width is identical or in excess of the size of wall underneath. | Its width is similar to the size of wall underneath. |
It is generally set at floor height. | It is generally set over the openings. |
It is also utilized as decorative architectural element. | It is primarily a structural member. |
To gather more information, watch the following construction video tutorial.
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